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MIT6.830 lab4 SimpleDB Transactions 实验报告

2021/10/27 18:59:17


lab4要做的是让SimpleDB支持事务,所以实验前需要对事务的基本概念有了解,并知道ACID的特点。lab4是基于严格两阶段封锁协议去实现原子性和隔离性的,所以开始前也需要了解两阶段封锁协议是如何实现事务的。对于一致性和持久性,这里假设暂时不会发送断电等异常,所以暂时不需要崩溃恢复,不需要undo log从,后面lab6会有专门的崩溃恢复的解决方案。


A transaction is a group of database actions (e.g., inserts, deletes,
and reads) that are executed atomically; that is, either all of
the actions complete or none of them do, and it is not apparent to an
outside observer of the database that these actions were not completed
as a part of a single, indivisible action.


To help you understand
how transaction management works in SimpleDB, we briefly review how
it ensures that the ACID properties are satisfied:

  • Atomicity: Strict two-phase locking and careful buffer management
    ensure atomicity.
  • Consistency: The database is transaction consistent by virtue of
    atomicity. Other consistency issues (e.g., key constraints) are
    not addressed in SimpleDB.
  • Isolation: Strict two-phase locking provides isolation.
  • Durability: A FORCE buffer management policy ensures
    durability (see Section 2.3 below)

这里提到了ACID在SimpleDB中如何去实现。ACID实现的前提是严格两阶段封锁协议(Strict two-phase locking)。所以我们需要先了解两阶段封锁协议。




  1. 增长阶段:事务可以获得锁,但不能释放锁;
  2. 缩减阶段:事务可以释放锁,但不能获得新锁。





Recovery and Buffer Management

To simplify your job, we recommend that you implement a NO STEAL/FORCE
buffer management policy.

As we discussed in class, this means that:

  • You shouldn’t evict dirty (updated) pages from the buffer pool if they
    are locked by an uncommitted transaction (this is NO STEAL).


  • On transaction commit, you should force dirty pages to disk (e.g.,
    write the pages out) (this is FORCE).


To further simplify your life, you may assume that SimpleDB will not crash
while processing a transactionComplete command. Note that
these three points mean that you do not need to implement log-based
recovery in this lab, since you will never need to undo any work (you never evict
dirty pages) and you will never need to redo any work (you force
updates on commit and will not crash during commit processing).

因为是在事务提交后才将脏页写入磁盘的,所以不需要实现redo log;

因为我们保证在提交事务的时候不会发送故障,所以不需要实现undo log;

Granting Locks

You will need to add calls to SimpleDB (in BufferPool,
for example), that allow a caller to request or release a (shared or
exclusive) lock on a specific object on behalf of a specific

We recommend locking at page granularity; please do not
implement table-level locking (even though it is possible) for simplicity of testing. The rest
of this document and our unit tests assume page-level locking.

You will need to create data structures that keep track of which locks
each transaction holds and check to see if a lock should be granted
to a transaction when it is requested.

You will need to implement shared and exclusive locks; recall that these
work as follows:

  • Before a transaction can read an object, it must have a shared lock on it.
  • Before a transaction can write an object, it must have an exclusive lock on it.
  • Multiple transactions can have a shared lock on an object.
  • Only one transaction may have an exclusive lock on an object.
  • If transaction t is the only transaction holding a shared lock on
    an object o, t may upgrade
    its lock on o to an exclusive lock.

If a transaction requests a lock that cannot be immediately granted, your code
should block, waiting for that lock to become available (i.e., be
released by another transaction running in a different thread).
Be careful about race conditions in your lock implementation — think about
how concurrent invocations to your lock may affect the behavior.








Exercise1 Granting Locks

Write the methods that acquire and release locks in BufferPool. Assuming
you are using page-level locking, you will need to complete the following:

  • Modify getPage() to block and acquire the desired lock
    before returning a page.
  • Implement unsafeReleasePage(). This method is primarily used
    for testing, and at the end of transactions.
  • Implement holdsLock() so that logic in Exercise 2 can
    determine whether a page is already locked by a transaction.

You may find it helpful to define a LockManager class that is responsible for
maintaining state about transactions and locks, but the design decision is up to

You may need to implement the next exercise before your code passes
the unit tests in LockingTest.


  1. 锁管理器中没有任何锁或者该页面没有被任何事务加锁,可以直接加读/写锁;

  2. 如果t在页面有锁,分以下情况讨论:

    2.1 加的是读锁:直接加锁;

    2.2 加的是写锁:如果锁数量为1,进行锁升级;如果锁数量大于1,会死锁,抛异常中断事务;

  3. 如果t在页面无锁,分以下情况讨论:

    3.1 加的是读锁:如果锁数量为1,这个锁是读锁则可以加,是写锁就wait;如果锁数量大于1,说明有很多读锁,直接加;

    3.2 加的是写锁:不管是多个读锁还是一个写锁,都不能加,wait



public class PageLock{
    public static final int SHARE = 0;
    public static final int EXCLUSIVE = 1;
    private TransactionId tid;
    private int type;
    public PageLock(TransactionId tid, int type) {
        this.tid = tid;
        this.type = type;

    public int getType() {
        return this.type;

    public TransactionId getTid() {
        return this.tid;

    public void setType(int type) {
        this.type = type;


public class LockManager {

    private ConcurrentMap<PageId, ConcurrentMap<TransactionId, PageLock>> pageLocks;

    public LockManager() {
        pageLocks = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

    public synchronized boolean requireLock(PageId pid, TransactionId tid, int requireType) throws InterruptedException, TransactionAbortedException {
        final String lockType = requireType == 0 ? "read lock" : "write lock";
        final String thread = Thread.currentThread().getName();

        ConcurrentMap<TransactionId, PageLock> pageLock = pageLocks.get(pid);
        if (pageLocks.size() == 0 || pageLock == null) {
            PageLock lock = new PageLock(tid, requireType);
            pageLock = new ConcurrentHashMap<TransactionId, PageLock>();
            pageLock.put(tid, lock);
            pageLocks.put(pid, pageLock);
            System.out.println(thread + ": the " + pid + " have no lock, transaction" + tid + " require " + lockType + ", accept");
            return true;

        PageLock lock = pageLock.get(tid);
        if (lock != null) {
            if (requireType == PageLock.SHARE) {
                System.out.println(thread + ": the " + pid + " have one lock with same txid, transaction" + tid + " require " + lockType + ", accept");
                return true;
            if (requireType == PageLock.EXCLUSIVE) {
                if (pageLock.size() > 1) {
                    System.out.println(thread + ": the " + pid + " have many read locks, transaction" + tid + " require write lock, abort!!!");
                    throw new TransactionAbortedException();
                if (pageLock.size() == 1 && lock.getType() == PageLock.EXCLUSIVE) {
                    System.out.println(thread + ": the " + pid + " have write lock with same txid, transaction" + tid + " require " + lockType + ", accept");
                    return true;
                if (pageLock.size() == 1 && lock.getType() == PageLock.SHARE) {
                    pageLock.put(tid, lock);
                    pageLocks.put(pid, pageLock);
                    System.out.println(thread + ": the " + pid + " have read lock with same txid, transaction" + tid + " require write lock, accept and upgrade!!!");
                    return true;

        if (lock == null) {
            if (requireType == PageLock.SHARE) {
                if (pageLock.size() > 1) {
                    PageLock l = new PageLock(tid, requireType);
                    pageLock.put(tid, l);
                    pageLocks.put(pid, pageLock);
                    System.out.println(thread + ": the " + pid + " have many read locks, transaction" + tid + " require " + lockType + ", accept and add a new read lock");
                    return true;
                PageLock one = null;
                for (PageLock l : pageLock.values()) {
                    one = l;
                if (pageLock.size() == 1 && one.getType() == PageLock.SHARE) {
                    PageLock l = new PageLock(tid, requireType);
                    pageLock.put(tid, l);
                    pageLocks.put(pid, pageLock);
                    System.out.println(thread + ": the " + pid + " have one read lock with diff txid, transaction" + tid + " require read lock, accept and add a new read lock");
                    return true;
                if (pageLock.size() == 1 && one.getType() == PageLock.EXCLUSIVE) {
                    System.out.println(thread + ": the " + pid + " have one write lock with diff txid, transaction" + tid + " require read lock, await...");
                    return false;
            if (requireType == PageLock.EXCLUSIVE) {
                System.out.println(thread + ": the " + pid + " have lock with diff txid, transaction" + tid + " require write lock, await...");
                return false;
        System.out.println("===========================other case=====================================");
        return true;

     * 查看指定页面是否被指定事务锁定
     * @param pid
     * @param tid
     * @return
    public synchronized boolean isHoldLock(PageId pid, TransactionId tid) {
        ConcurrentMap<TransactionId, PageLock> map = pageLocks.get(pid);
        if (map == null) return false;
        return map.get(tid) != null;

     * 释放指定页面的指定事务加的锁
     * @param pid
     * @param tid
    public synchronized void releaseLock(PageId pid, TransactionId tid) {
        final String thread = Thread.currentThread().getName();
        ConcurrentMap<TransactionId, PageLock> map = pageLocks.get(pid);
        if (map == null) return;
        if (tid == null) return;
        PageLock lock = map.get(tid);
        if (lock == null) return;
        final String lockType = map.get(tid).getType() == 0 ? "read lock" : "write lock";
        System.out.println(thread + " release " + lockType + " in " + pid + ", the tx lock size is " + map.size() + ", the txid is " + tid);
        if (map.size() == 0) {
            System.out.println( thread + " release last lock, the page " + pid + " have no lock, the page locks size is " + pageLocks.size() + " the txid is " + tid );

    public synchronized void completeTransaction(TransactionId tid) {
        Set<PageId> ids = pageLocks.keySet();
        for (PageId pageId : ids) {
            releaseLock(pageId, tid);



public synchronized  Page getPage(TransactionId tid, PageId pid, Permissions perm)
        throws TransactionAbortedException, DbException {
        // some code goes here
        int type = 0;
        if (perm == Permissions.READ_ONLY) {
            type = 0;
        } else {
            type = 1;
        long st = System.currentTimeMillis();
        while (true) {
            try {
                if (lockManager.requireLock(pid, tid, type)) {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
            if (now - st > 500) throw new TransactionAbortedException();
        if(!pageCache.containsKey(pid.hashCode())) {
            DbFile dbFile = Database.getCatalog().getDatabaseFile(pid.getTableId());
            Page page = dbFile.readPage(pid);
            pageCache.put(pid.hashCode(), page);
        return pageCache.get(pid.hashCode());


Exercise2 Lock Lifetime


Ensure that you acquire and release locks throughout SimpleDB. Some (but
not necessarily all) actions that you should verify work properly:

  • Reading tuples off of pages during a SeqScan (if you
    implemented locking in BufferPool.getPage(), this should work
    correctly as long as your HeapFile.iterator() uses
  • Inserting and deleting tuples through BufferPool and HeapFile
    methods (if you
    implemented locking in BufferPool.getPage(), this should work
    correctly as long as HeapFile.insertTuple() and
    HeapFile.deleteTuple() use

You will also want to think especially hard about acquiring and releasing
locks in the following situations:

  • Adding a new page to a HeapFile. When do you physically
    write the page to disk? Are there race conditions with other transactions
    (on other threads) that might need special attention at the HeapFile level,
    regardless of page-level locking?
  • Looking for an empty slot into which you can insert tuples.
    Most implementations scan pages looking for an empty
    slot, and will need a READ_ONLY lock to do this. Surprisingly, however,
    if a transaction t finds no free slot on a page p, t may immediately release the lock on p.
    Although this apparently contradicts the rules of two-phase locking, it is ok because
    t did not use any data from the page, such that a concurrent transaction t’ which updated
    p cannot possibly effect the answer or outcome of t.









Exercise3 Implementing NO STEAL

Modifications from a transaction are written to disk only after it
commits. This means we can abort a transaction by discarding the dirty
pages and rereading them from disk. Thus, we must not evict dirty
pages. This policy is called NO STEAL.

You will need to modify the evictPage method in BufferPool.
In particular, it must never evict a dirty page. If your eviction policy prefers a dirty page
for eviction, you will have to find a way to evict an alternative
page. In the case where all pages in the buffer pool are dirty, you
should throw a DbException. If your eviction policy evicts a clean page, be
mindful of any locks transactions may already hold to the evicted page and handle them
appropriately in your implementation.



Exercise4 Transactions

In SimpleDB, a TransactionId object is created at the
beginning of each query. This object is passed to each of the operators
involved in the query. When the query is complete, the
BufferPool method transactionComplete is called.

Calling this method either commits or aborts the
transaction, specified by the parameter flag commit. At any point
during its execution, an operator may throw a
TransactionAbortedException exception, which indicates an
internal error or deadlock has occurred. The test cases we have provided
you with create the appropriate TransactionId objects, pass
them to your operators in the appropriate way, and invoke
transactionComplete when a query is finished. We have also
implemented TransactionId.




 public synchronized void transactionComplete(TransactionId tid, boolean commit) {
        // some code goes here
        // not necessary for lab1|lab2
        if (commit) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
        } else {






Exercise5 Deadlocks and Aborts

It is possible for transactions in SimpleDB to deadlock (if you do not
understand why, we recommend reading about deadlocks in Ramakrishnan & Gehrke).
You will need to detect this situation and throw a

There are many possible ways to detect deadlock. A strawman example would be to
implement a simple timeout policy that aborts a transaction if it has not
completed after a given period of time. For a real solution, you may implement
cycle-detection in a dependency graph data structure as shown in lecture. In this
scheme, you would check for cycles in a dependency graph periodically or whenever
you attempt to grant a new lock, and abort something if a cycle exists. After you have detected
that a deadlock exists, you must decide how to improve the situation. Assume you
have detected a deadlock while transaction t is waiting for a lock. If you’re
feeling homicidal, you might abort all transactions that t is
waiting for; this may result in a large amount of work being undone, but
you can guarantee that t will make progress.
Alternately, you may decide to abort t to give other
transactions a chance to make progress. This means that the end-user will have
to retry transaction t.

Another approach is to use global orderings of transactions to avoid building the
wait-for graph. This is sometimes preferred for performance reasons, but transactions
that could have succeeded can be aborted by mistake under this scheme. Examples include
the WAIT-DIE and WOUND-WAIT schemes.





















