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面试向: How to do automate testing in Jenkins?

2021/12/20 5:49:08

install Selenium Plugin in Jenkins.
and then start it, so this will call the test script we write. and generate report too.

the limitations of using Jenkins for test automation:
Jenkins, being a community-driven tool has a large number of contributors. Multiple plugins for a single tool integration can make the options unclear for users.
Although there are plugins supporting Docker integration, Jenkins still has a long way to go in this domain.
Jenkins does not itself host a cloud-based service. Users need to rely on Jenkins provided as a service by cloud service providers like AWS, GCP, Azure, Cloudbees etc.
Jenkins involves a steep learning curve as the configuration is not straight forward. Too many options and configurations can be complicated for newbies.
Lesser flexibility in using plugins as they are not customizable.
Lack of authentication and authorization rules and options.
Most community-driven plugins do not have clear documentation on how to use them.
Jenkins for Test Automation

Jenkins can do way more than just CI.
he can do all the things automated in CICD,
like automated build: (when build is triggered, then it will o the following: download required packages, complie code, perform unit testing), this is pretty much covered build-test-report part, which is all CI.
for microservices, deployment means deploy containers.
for CD, we can script our own deployments with Jenkins.
or we can use a tool to directly deploy from Jenkins using BuilderMaster plugin in.
or we can deploy from my maven repo, also can use BuilderMaster plugin in.
Continuous Delivery:
Jenkins Best Practices: How to Automate Deployments with Jenkins

所以 Jenkins能:
Automate Build(including testing and all that)
Automate deployment.