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2021/12/23 20:52:17




  1. https://wenku.baidu.com/view/ce958ce30a1c59eef8c75fbfc77da26924c59668.html
  2. https://wenku.baidu.com/view/04783361b9d528ea80c7791c.html?fr=search


  1. 帧间波门内差分;
  2. 波门内阈值分割;
  3. 波门内去噪声;
  4. 计算质心在波门内的位置;


D i f f x , y = ∣ f x , y i + 1 − f x , y i ∣ Diff_{x,y} = |f^{i+1}_{x,y} - f^i_{x,y}| Diffx,y=fx,yi+1fx,yi
f i + 1 f^{i+1} fi+1和f^i是相邻帧的波门框定图像。x, y表示具体坐标。通过绝对差分可以表征帧间目标的变化量。具体函数如下:

cv::absdiff(gray_image(_roi), this->gray_image(_roi), diff);



int CentroidTracker::getThresholdValue(cv::Mat& image);


void CentroidTracker::segmentByThreshold(cv::Mat& src, cv::Mat& dst, int threshold);




x ˉ = ∑ x ∑ y x f x , y ∑ x ∑ y f x , y y ˉ = ∑ x ∑ y y f x , y ∑ x ∑ y f x , y \bar{x} = \frac{\sum_x\sum_y x f_{x,y}}{\sum_x\sum_y f_{x,y}} \\ \bar{y} = \frac{\sum_x\sum_y y f_{x,y}}{\sum_x\sum_y f_{x,y}} \\ xˉ=xyfx,yxyxfx,yyˉ=xyfx,yxyyfx,y

cv::Point_<int> CentroidTracker::findCentroid(cv::Mat& src);


// centroid_tracker.h

#include "trackers/tracker.h"

class CentroidTracker : CustomTracker // CustomTracker is a custome abstract class
    CentroidTracker(bool debug = false);
    void init(cv::Mat image, const cv::Rect &roi);
    cv::Rect update(cv::Mat image);
    int getThresholdValue(cv::Mat &image);
    void segmentByThreshold(cv::Mat& src, cv::Mat& dst, int threshold);
    cv::Point_<int> findCentroid(cv::Mat& src); 
    cv::Mat getDiff(cv::Mat& gray_image);

    cv::Rect_<float> _roi;
    cv::Mat image;
    cv::Mat gray_image;
    bool DEBUG = false;
    cv::Point_<int> ccentroid;
    int ite_num;
    bool first_ite;

// centroid_tracker.cpp

#include "centroid_tracker.h"

CentroidTracker::CentroidTracker(bool debug)
    this->DEBUG = debug;

CentroidTracker::~CentroidTracker() {}

void CentroidTracker::init(cv::Mat image, const cv::Rect &roi)
    this->_roi = roi;
    this->image = image;
    cv::cvtColor(image, this->gray_image, CV_BGR2GRAY);
    ite_num = 0;
    first_ite = true;

cv::Point_<int> CentroidTracker::findCentroid(cv::Mat& src)
    // 根据源图像的灰度值来计算质心
    assert(src.type() == CV_8UC1);
    int sum, xsum, ysum;
    sum = xsum = ysum = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < src.rows; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < src.cols; j++)
            int pix = src.at<uint8_t>(i, j);
            sum += pix;
            xsum += pix * j;
            ysum += pix * i;
    int x,y;
    if (sum != 0)
        x = (int) ((float)xsum / sum);
        y = (int) ((float)ysum / sum);
        x = src.cols / 2;
        y = src.rows / 2;
    return cv::Point_<int>(x, y);

void CentroidTracker::segmentByThreshold(cv::Mat& src, cv::Mat& dst, int threshold)
    dst = cv::Mat(src.rows, src.cols, src.type(), cv::Scalar_<uint8_t>(0));

    for (int i = 0; i < src.rows; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < src.cols; j++)
            if (src.at<uint8_t>(i, j) >= threshold)
                dst.at<uint8_t>(i, j) = 255u;

// 最大类间方差求解分割阈值
int CentroidTracker::getThresholdValue(cv::Mat& image)
    assert(image.type() == CV_8UC1);
    int width = image.cols;
    int height = image.rows;
    int x = 0, y = 0;
    int pixelCount[256] = {0};
    float pixelPro[256] = {0};
    int i, j;
    int threshold = 0;
    float pixelSum = width * height;
    //count every pixel number in whole image
    for (i = y; i < height; i++)
        for (j = x; j < width; j++)
            int current_pixel = image.at<uint8_t>(i, j);
    //count every pixel's radio in whole image pixel
    for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
        pixelPro[i] = pixelCount[i] / pixelSum;
    // segmentation of the foreground and background
    // To traversal grayscale [0,255],and calculates the variance maximum
    //grayscale values for the best threshold value
    float w0, w1, u0tmp, u1tmp, u0, u1, u, deltaTmp, deltaMax = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
        w0 = w1 = u0tmp = u1tmp = u0 = u1 = u = deltaTmp = 0;
        for (j = 0; j < 256; j++)
            if (j <= i)
                w0 += pixelPro[j];
                u0tmp += j * pixelPro[j];
                w1 += pixelPro[j];
                u1tmp += j * pixelPro[j];
        u0 = u0tmp / w0;
        u1 = u1tmp / w1;
        u = u0tmp + u1tmp;
        //Calculating the variance
        deltaTmp = w0 * (u0 - u) * (u0 - u) + w1 * (u1 - u) * (u1 - u);
        if (deltaTmp > deltaMax)
            deltaMax = deltaTmp;
            threshold = i;

    //return the best threshold;
    return threshold;
cv::Mat CentroidTracker::getDiff(cv::Mat& gray_image)
    cv::Mat diff; // 获得差分图
    // 绝对值,代表变化量
    cv::absdiff(gray_image(_roi), this->gray_image(_roi), diff);
    return diff;
cv::Rect CentroidTracker::update(cv::Mat image)
    // 转化为灰度图
    cv::Mat gray_image;
    cv::cvtColor(image, gray_image, CV_BGR2GRAY);

    // 波门内差分运算
    cv::Mat diff = getDiff(gray_image);

    // 波门内阈值分割
    int threshold = getThresholdValue(diff);
    cv::Mat seg_image, seg_image_erode, seg_image_dilate;
    segmentByThreshold(diff, seg_image, threshold);
    // 波门内遍历去噪声 实际上是一个腐蚀操作
    // cv::Mat struct_ele = cv::getStructuringElement(cv::MORPH_RECT, cv::Size(3, 3), cv::Point(-1, -1)); 
    // cv::erode(seg_image, seg_image_erode, struct_ele);  
    // cv::dilate(seg_image, seg_image_dilate, struct_ele);
    // seg_image = seg_image_dilate;

    // 找质心
    cv::Point_<int> centroid = findCentroid(seg_image);
    if (first_ite)
        ccentroid = centroid;
        first_ite = false;
    // adjust roi by the absolute center's location
    int cent_x = _roi.x + (centroid.x + ccentroid.x) / 2;
    int cent_y = _roi.y + (centroid.y + ccentroid.y) / 2;
    _roi.x = int(cent_x - _roi.width / 2);
    _roi.y = int(cent_y - _roi.height / 2);
    _roi.x = _roi.x < 0 ? 0 : _roi.x;
    _roi.x = _roi.x > image.cols ? image.cols : _roi.x;
    _roi.y = _roi.y < 0 ? 0 : _roi.y;
    _roi.y = _roi.y > image.rows ? image.rows : _roi.y;
    ccentroid = centroid;
    this->image = image;
    this->gray_image = gray_image;

    if (this->DEBUG)
        std::cout << "Centroid Location: " << centroid.x << ", " << centroid.y << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Centroid absolute location: " << cent_x << ", " << cent_y << std::endl;
        cv::imshow("DEBUG_DIFFIMAGE", diff);
        cv::imshow("DEBUG_SEGIMAGE", seg_image);
        // cv::imshow("DEBUG_SEGIMAGE_ERODE", seg_image_erode);
        cv::Mat cop_image;
        cv::circle(cop_image, cv::Point_<int>(cent_x, cent_y), 3, cv::Scalar_<int>(0,255,0));
        cv::rectangle(cop_image, cv::Point_<int>(_roi.x, _roi.y), cv::Point_<int>(_roi.x+ _roi.width, _roi.y+_roi.height), cv::Scalar_<int>(0,255,0));
        cv::imshow("Centroid && bbox", cop_image);
    return _roi;